9. Project Contribution

  • Came up with our Group Name
    I proposed and finalised the name for our group, ensuring it resonated with the project’s theme and objectives.

  • Completed the Minutes as a Scribe
    As the Scribe, I recorded the minutes for our meetings, capturing key points, decisions, and action items to ensure everyone stayed aligned and informed throughout the project.

  • Research on my Own Topic (Porsche 919 Hybrid LMP1 Power Unit)
    I conducted research on the Porsche 919 Hybrid LMP1 Power Unit, exploring its advanced technologies and performance features.

  • Narrow down to One Topic for the Group Project (Boeing 737-MAX MCAS System)
    After evaluating several potential topics, our team had selected the Boeing 737-MAX MCAS System as our group project focus. I provided clear reasoning based on its relevance, complexity, and potential for impactful solutions.

  • Completed the Purpose Statement on the Boeing 737-MAX MCAS System
    I crafted a purpose statement that clearly outlined our project’s objectives, emphasising the significance of addressing challenges associated with the Boeing 737-MAX MCAS System.

  • Brainstorming on the Title of our Topic
    I participated in brainstorming sessions to finalise the title for our project. This process involved collaboration and ensuring the title captured the essence of our research and proposed solutions.

  • Edited on the Purpose Statement
    I refined and edited the purpose statement to ensure clarity, precision, and alignment with the group’s goals.

  • Initiate a Group Meeting Online for the Project Pitch
    I took the initiative to organise an online meeting for the group to prepare for the project pitch.

  • Helped on the Group Report (Introduction, Proposed Solution, and Conclusion)
    I contributed to several key sections of the group report, including the introduction, proposed solution, and conclusion. I ensured these sections were cohesive and well-researched.

  • Using ChatGPT to Write a Transmittal Letter to the Boeing Company regarding adding MEMS Sensors and Magnetoresistive Sensors into the AOA System
    I drafted a professional transmittal letter to Boeing. The letter proposed integrating MEMS sensors and magnetoresistive sensors into the Aircraft’s Angle of Attack (AOA) system, highlighting the benefits of improved safety and system reliability.

  • Updated on 28/11/2024


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